
I went in a room with my fellow dead pirates and we recorded two songs live, like they use to do back then… anyway this is a temporary mix, I’m still fucking around with all the buttons and knobs but I wanted to give you a flavor. I’ll remove the track tonight. The EP will be ready for the 1st of nomber and will be downloadable .


hoy boys and grills , so as you may know I just released my book and it’s coming with 2 songs from the dead pirates that I’m sharing with you guys today , this is our first EP and if you’re interested you can get it HERE

Hoy Hoy dipshits , it’s coming , and it’s coming hard . My friend simon and I have been busy for the last months working on music video for a song of mine  called woods , it’s going to be out next monday ( the 18h ) if we don’t shit ourselves , but you can already enjoy the song . More songs are coming along with that dirty melody record , just need to record them .