dead pirates

Dudes Factory contest

So there’s only one week left before the reveal of the collection that I’ve been working on in collaboration with Dudes Factory , and just because they’re cool , the dudes are giving away one different tee shirt everyday , and all you have to do is go to their facebook and like the tee shirt they post every morning , and every night they’ll announce the winner of the day , wich would be picked out randomnly .

tee shirt of today :



Dead Pirates live tomorow ( saturday 30 oct )

Alright , so we opened the show yesterday and we’re still pretty sore from all the drinking and everything but we’re extremely proud , I’m saying we because I wasn’t alone to prepare the show , simon , mooe , manuel , martial , dr mushroom , and my mom helped and we wrecked the bar,  there’s shit everywhere . It’s all black and white and all about meat , and we though it would be nice place to do a gig with the Dead Pirates  surrounded by filthy drawings , so if you’re in East London tomorow around 20h come have a pint we’ll say hellow .(Details HERE )