
Drawing Battle in 30 mins

Are you familiar with Vector Lounge ? Well if you’re not here’s the thing in a few words, you’re drunk and you have 30 mins to do a drawing meanwhile in another country a guy do the same.  Last week I was supporting England’s color against berlin and now it’s voting time, I really hope you like the poetry I’ve inoculated in my piece . I will battle against Copenhagen & Paris in the next weeks and the all thing will be broadcasted !

anyway here’s mine and I NEED YOUR VOTES SRSLY GUY WTF !

cheers for that 

Le South Park

I just finished my illustration, I called it “Le South Park” since I watched all 15 seasons of south park while doing it, which might result in some references here and there.

The real Drawing is about 1 meter long so and will be exhibited during my show at the book club ( London/ 4th august). I’ll post more details about the show later on .




here’s the cover I did for NOBROW 4 , biggest piece I’ve ever done , so painful my penis was bleeding sperm , the theme is Night and Day and it’s full of very pretty drawings , some in black and white and some in fluo colors from amazing artists , I think I’m not mistaken when I say that every participant of this book drew completely naked . Anyway it’s a beautiful object and you should just get it for the sake of your children .

for those of you who want to see more details here’s a link for you but know that you can’t see all the details and insults that I planted in without getting the printed version eheh , here you go the BIG ASS MOTHER FUCKING IMAGE 

nice to be back